As a caring employer, you want to ensure your Colorado business fully complies with employment laws to avoid costly penalties and legal consequences and do the right thing for your employees. With this valuable information about new Colorado employment laws effective Summer 2023, you can safeguard your business and stay on the right side of the law, protecting your organization and its reputation while creating a workplace that attracts and retains great employees.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Stay on top of family law and wage reporting deadlines: Avoid penalties and legal repercussions by knowing the critical deadlines for filing in Colorado.
  • Navigate the changes to paid sick leave in Colorado: Stay informed about the recent changes to paid sick leave laws in Colorado and ensure your business is compliant with the updated regulations.
  • Learn about the new streamlined I-9 Form for verifying citizenship or immigrant status and employment eligibility.
  • Understand the impact of the Protecting Opportunities and Workers Rights (POWR) Act: Discover how the POWR Act can affect your business’s hiring practices, worker protections, and overall compliance with Colorado employment laws.